Samstag, 14. Mai 2011

Maybe they don't want me here?

It's kind of strange, one day I start a blog at blogspot and the next day suddenly nothing is working anymore. My post was deleted and I couldn't even access my account and apparently I wasn't the only one. So...  maybe I'm not wanted here? ;)
Well, I'm going to continue anyways, although this really didn't make a good impression. Let's just hope it was a one-off.

Next weekend there's going to be a lolita-meet up and we are planning on visiting the "Elbschlösser" and having a picnic, so today my boyfriend Stefan and I went to the flea market to look for a picnic basket and we were successful:
I really like it, it's big, but not too big and  has a nice shape. The only flaw:
 There are some flecks that look like purple nail polish O_o But that's okay, I was going to cover the inside of it with a nice floral fabric anyways.
And I also got a very nice golden pocket watch which I am going to show you later, I can't seem to get a nice photo of it now -.- Unfortunately the fob chain isn't the exact same shade of gold, but I'm okay with that. Stefan really made a good deal, originally they wanted 22 euros, but we got it for 15 ^^

Of course I also have to think about what to wear. Actually I was going to wear a sweet lolita outfit, but I coudn't find a good blouse or shirt to go with it, so this falls through. Instead I bought a very nice dress at Orsay, that I have been longing for since I first saw it, but I never dared trying it on because I was afraid it wouldn't fit or look stupid on me. Well, then I just tried it on and even bought it in a smaller clothing size than I usually wear because I am currently losing some weight ^^
This is the dress:
 I really like it, but it has to be altered and I will probably wear a longer underskirt because I find it rather short. First I have to take off the underskirt that it already has because it gives a weird shape to my petticoat. And second, there's this:
(This is the back of the dress by the way) I'm going to have to take off the... well, let's call them straps and have to make new ones, but I'm not quite sure on how to do that... My friend Vroni suggested constructing them in the same shape as those that are on it right now, but I'm not really sure if I like this shape, especially in the back. But I'm afraid the back might look weird if I make them narrower...
Any ideas?

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