Freitag, 3. Juni 2011

Day 21 - Your favourite fictional lolita

My favourite fictional lolita is Miwako from Paradise Kiss:

Day 22 – A picture of your room.
Day 23 – A picture of your handwriting.
Day 24 – A picture of you from a meet.
Day 25 – Your favorite lolita themed artwork.
Day 26 – Your Facebook profile picture.
Day 27 – One song that fits your favorite lolita style.
Day 28 – A picture of the perfect lolita location.
Day 29 – A picture of a lolita you would love to meet for real.
Day 30 – A photo of yourself taken today and 3 good things that’s happened over the last 30 days.

1 Kommentar:

  1. *hihi* Sie ist toll. ^-^
    Danke für die Glückwünsche. Leider komme ich in letzter Zeit so selten zum Bloggen =____=

