Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2011


There are 3 reasons why this post is called "finally".
The first one: I'm done with my cross-stitching project! ^^
So this is how it looks when it's complete:

Now we have to find a frame for it, but that's easier said than done. Because I changed the design of the pattern a little (by adding the flag on top of the castle) its height doesn't really match it's width. In the frame that would fit best, we would have to cutt off 3cm in height. Since I don't want "Home" to be written directly under the frame, we would have to cut them off entirely at the bottom but then the whole stone-thingy under the castle would be gone -.- *sigh* Pretty frustrating...


Yaaaay, I have my ring back! We were at Vronis and Andis yesterday and when we came back in the middle of the night, it just was there in the hallway. Who knows where Hurley hid it all the time :D

And now I finally have the right Christmas spirit. It's already the second Advent Sunday and usually I am already super happy and excited for Christmas on this day, but this year... I don't know, the weather just didn't bring me into the right mood and also it felt like all of a sudden it was December and now you HAD to have the Christmas spirit and it just didn't work on me. So what changed?
Well, today I watched this:

For those who don't know: It's an old Czech-German production of the story of Cinderella (slightly modified) and at least in my family it's one of the oldest traditions to watch it on each Christmas day (that is 24, 25 and 26 December). Actually this has always been holy to me. I never watched it before these days even though I love it so much that I know almost every sentence by heart. But this year I just needed it to get me into the right spirit. And now I can really enjoy the Christmas cookies, the beautiful decoration throughout the whole town and of course the hot wine punch ;)
So how about you, are you already in the right mood for Christmas?

5 Kommentare:

  1. uhh yeah, ich freu mich auch schon auf den Aschenbrödel marathon bei deinen Eltern:
    "Alles klar, jetz haben wir es um 11:45 auf dem MDR zuende geschaut, aber FÜRCHTET NICHT...denn es kommt um 12:30 auf dem RBB nochmal!" :D

  2. Den habe ich heute au angeschaut |D Der wird bestimmt noch gefühlte 100 Mal auf diversen Fernsehprogramen laufen XD~ Bis man i-wann den Film auswendig kann...

  3. *hach* der Film ist soooo toll!
    und gratuliere zur Vervollständigung der Stickerei, die ist superschön geworden <3

  4. Danke füas Erklären : D Hätte nich gedacht, dass da snoch klappt XD~ Ähm; also bis zum Bild hochladen + Link kopieren, verstehe ich ja das ganze noch; aber wo poste ich dann Link?
    Beim aktuellen Post (Post #198)? Selbst wenn es so wäre; ich sehe grad, da hat jemand seinen Bildlink gepostet... Eigentlich weiß man ya dann schon vorher, wer das Valentine erstellt hat? X'D
    Argh @@ Ich hoffe du weißt, auf was ich hinaus will xD Trotzdem Danke für deine Hilfe ♥

  5. Wunderbar ^_^~ Jetzt weiß ich endlich, wie es funktioniert oOo~ Arigatou gozaimasu <3
