Donnerstag, 12. April 2012

Easter's over...

...and I found some good news :D
I admit, that was after easter, but still ^^

This year easter came as quite the surprise. Suddenly it was just... there... So as a spontaneous gift I made some apple-marmelade for my parents which is now famous as the "floating marmelade" because I stored it upside down and now it sticks to the top of the glass XD And when my parents visited us on Sunday, I made a cake. And it was the first time, that I was 100% happy with a cake I made. Don't get me wrong, I made a looot of cakes already, but I always find something that I don't like about it. But this time I was so happy that I had to take a picture ^^ So here it is, my perfect Strawberry-advocaat-cake:

Sooooooooooo yummy! *_________*
My parents gave us two private lessons with our dancing instructor as a present for easter, by the way ^^ Such a great idea *_____*

And now for the good news: Do you remember how I told you about the job interview at the dancing school that I really wanted to be working at? Well, I haven't heard anything from them yet. You may guess: That's not the good news :D
About a week later I had another job interview in Radebeul near Dresden. And it turned out, that this is just the perfect dancing school for me! The conditions for the apprenticeship are fantastic, the owner of the school is super-nice and the I think we got along great.
And now he's contacted me about a "Schnupperwoche" (a week at the dancing school to check out how we work together) and afterwards we'll conclude the indenture ^^ (probably. I'm afraid to get too excited now and then be disappointed if it doesn't happen. But he was pretty clear about it in his mail, so... yaaaay probably :D)

6 Kommentare:

  1. Die Torte schaut sehr lecker aus *-*
    Evtl. sehen dunkle Schokoladenlinien besser aus als weiße (Kontrast und so ;)), dem Geschmack wird das jedoch sicher keinen Abbruch tun. Erdbeeren klingen schon so sommerlich und erfrischend ^_^
    Die Job News klingen toll. Ich drück dir weiter die Daumen, dass sich dein Arbeitswunsch erfüllen wird. ^^

    1. Das ist eigentlich Eierlikör :D Weil man in der Creme den Eierlikör kaum rausgeschmeckt hat dacht ich mir, ich schmeiß einfach oben nochmal welchen drauf XD
      Dankeschön ^^

  2. The cake looks very yummy ^^ and congratulations for the maybe-job! xD

  3. Hey Süße, meinst du nicht, dass es langsam Zeit wird nochmal so eine Torte zu machen? :-*

  4. Die Torte sieht ja super aus *-* Du kannst wirklich gut backen :>

  5. Das kommt ganz auf Deine Haut an, da die Foundation ja mit den Ölen der Haut reagiert.
    Bei mir lag es an der Feuchtigkeitscreme, die darunter war und daran, dass ich keinen Skin Primer benutzt habe ^-^"
