Technically this picture was not taken today but I received it today and I'm not in a showing-worth state right now, so this has to do:
One of the pictures from our last meet that Mia has edited and I love it!
And 3 good things... Well, the VicPic, shopping with Mia and... well, I've only had 1 bad cramp today ^^ and a few minor ones but it's getting better *yay*
So that's it, that was the 30 Days Lolita Challenge. I hope you enjoyed it and got to know me a little bit better ^^
I won't be here the next week, so there won't be any updates. So I wish you all a nice week!
Jaaaa hab sie gekauft ^_^ mit Versand ca. 80 Euro ich hoffe sie rutschen durch den Zoll <.<
AntwortenLöschenDas Bild ist echt toll ^_^und shoppen mit Mia ist immer ein Erlebnis xD